Tuesday, June 16, 2009

10 Toes in the Prophecy of Daniel

One of Daniel's greatest prophecies (dream of Nebuchadnezzar) about the head of gold, the breast of silver, the belly and thigh of brass, legs of iron, and the 10 toes of iron and miry clay, has intrigued many scholars.

There are questions about who are the 10 kingdoms? One site mentions the ten kingdoms of the middle east listed here:
  • Edom =Southern Jordan

  • Ishmaelites=Arabs

  • Moab=central Jordan

  • Hagarenes=Egypt

  • Gebal=Lebanon

  • Ammon=northern Jordan

  • Amalek=Sinai Penninsula

  • Philistines=Gaza Strip

  • Tyre=Lebanon

  • Assur=Siria, Iraq (http://www.yrm.org/ten_toes.htm)

Another book notes that the 10 kingdoms occurred during the years A.D. 351 - 476 and are made of those who split up the Roman Empire, namely:

But I find some inconsistencies with both of these, like in verse 44 where it says, "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever."


verse 42 which says, "And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken." Inferring that the Iron (Rome) is still part of the mix.

Verse 44 indicates that these kings would exist when God would "set up" a kingdom. I pose that they came from the Roman Empire and that they are successive, meaning one right after another. since the time of the fall of the Roman Empire.

I need your help finding these kingdoms, and the dates they were established.

The first should be around the years mentioned above A.D. 351 - 476, or slightly later, then we should be able to find a successive line of kingdoms.

Some rules:
  1. Must be kingdoms with a King or Emperor (successive kings is ok)

  2. Must be of Roman decent or a break off from Rome or Greece

  3. Must be in the General area of Europe

  4. Must exist today or at least until the last kingdom was established

  5. Must be 10 kingdoms, not more

Together I am sure we can come up with the 10 kingdoms. And when that is done, find the date range for the Kingdom that God shall set up.